What a weekend....
96 degrees and humid out in the hills of Lehighton, Pennsylvania this weekend, and this year's turnout for the event proved to reflect the gas prices as well. With Pennsic approaching in one week for some (others have already left for the event), it would seem a lot of the further-traveled SCAdians opted to skip this event in favor of saving a few pennies for gas for the long trip to Slippery Rock, PA, not much longer from now.
That said, I thought I would share a couple of shots taken of myself not only wearing some of my own pieces, but of other artisans out on Etsy and at-large as well.
This Irish overdress was commissioned by The Wenches' Wardrobe on Etsy (also found on eBay), who did wonderful work on this piece. The circlet is sterling silver, by Todd Alan Studios - sadly he is no longer selling circlets but you can find similar ones under "wedding tiaras" in his shop. This one was a gift for me from my husband, for my Award of Arms, an SCA award denoting my elevation to becoming a "lady of the court", in the summer of 2000. The bracelet, necklace, and hair sticks (hairsticks not shown, unfortunately), are all my creations, and can be found at Archeress Arts on Etsy or under my seller ID of archeress on eBay.
This past weekend also proved to be "extreme conditions" for wear of my jewelry. Rather than sell the jewelry I have now sweated on and had sunblock wear off onto, I will be replacing the pieces I took out of the collection to wear for display, and will replace them with fresh new identical jewelry pieces.
Overall, these pieces worked great with The Wenches Wardrobe's dress, and I look forward to making more pieces that go with this outfit!